Source code for pyslate.config

from .parser import PyParser

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# This config file contains default configuration and is part of the library, so changing anything there
# may make it hard to upgrade. Override config values as specified in documentation string of DefaultConfig.

[docs]class DefaultConfig(object): """ Default values for configuration options of Pyslate. If you want to overwrite defaults, create a subclass of DefaultConfig and overwrite interesting values in your class' constructor. You can also create a function which instantiates DefaultConfig, overwrites some values and then gives it to Pyslate's constructor as keyword-argument "config". Please note you can use keyword-arguments of Pyslate constructor to specify own parser, cache and backend. Keyword arguments set in Pyslate constructor have higher precedence than values from the config. """ def __init__(self): """Initializer""" self.GLOBAL_FALLBACK_LANGUAGE = "en" """ If there is no tag value for a specified target language, then a fallback language is used. If there's no tag value in both a target and fallback language, then a global fallback is used. So, for example, if global fallback is "en" and fallback for "pl" is "pt", and we try to see tag value in "pl", but neither "pl" nor "pt" has required tag value, then we look the tag value in language "en". It's a very good idea to treat global fallback as the most important language and this tag value should ALWAYS be available. Default: "en" """ self.FALLBACKS = { } """ Dictionary of language fallbacks where key is target language and value is the fallback language e.g:: { "pl": "pt", "pt": "es", } In case of no "pl" fallback "pt" will be used, but fallbacks are not recursive. So if there's no tag value for "pl" and "pt", then it **DOESN'T** fall back to "es" but it just tries to use a global fallback language. Default: ``{}`` """ self.ALLOW_INNER_TAGS = True """ Inner tags are fields specified in the tag value using ``${}`` syntax, e.g:: "root_tag": "I want ${item_cookie#p}!" "item_cookie#p": "cookies" translation: ``"root_tag" => "I want cookies!"`` When set to ``False``, inner tags are shown as plaintext, e.g. translation: ``"root_tag" => "I want ${item_cookie#p}!"`` Default: ``True`` """ self.ALLOW_CACHE = True """ Specifies if instance of Pyslate should use cache to cache any data. When ALLOW_CACHE is True, then the cache needs to be specified as a keyword argument in Pyslate constructor. You can see the API of the :obj:`SimpleMemoryCache <pyslate.pyslate.cache.SimpleMemoryCache>` to create your own implementation. Default: ``True`` """ self.PARSER_CLASS = PyParser """ Contains class used as a parser of tag value to get AST with plaintext and variable, inner tag and switch fields It's used if you don't specify own parser instance in Pyslate constructor's keyword-argument. Default implementation is done using PLY parser generator. Default: ``PyParser`` """ self.LOCALE_FORMAT_NUMBERS = True """ If true, then all the floats being interpolated into variable fields are automatically localized using language-specific :obj:`Pyslate.localize <pyslate.pyslate.Pyslate.localize>` Default: ``True`` """ self.ALLOW_SWITCH_FIELDS = True """ If enabled, then special switch field syntax will be enabled, e.g. ``%{opt1?ans1|opt2?and2}`` - this one will print "ans1" when the value of a "variant" argument is "opt1" and will print "ans2" when value is "opt2". If "variant" is none of these, then first-left answer is used. If disabled, then all switch fields in tag values will be **silently** converted into empty strings. Default: ``True`` """ self.GLOBAL_DECORATORS = { "capitalize": lambda x: x.capitalize(), "upper": lambda x: x.upper(), "lower": lambda x: x.lower(), } """ Dict containing decorators which are available for all languages. Decorators can be appended at the end of the inner tag or variable field to convert the value in a specific way. E.g. considering there exists a tag with key-value "cookies": "I like cookies" >>> pyslate.t("cookies@upper") I LIKE COOKIES Default: see :ref:`Available_Decorators` """ self.LANGUAGE_SPECIFIC_DECORATORS = { "en": { "article": lambda name: ("an " if name[0].lower() in "aeiou" else "a ") + name, } } """ Dict containing decorators available only for a specific language. They are also available if language is current language's fallback or a global language fallback. For information what decorators are - see doc of :attr:`GLOBAL_DECORATORS <pyslate.config.DefaultConfig.GLOBAL_DECORATORS>` variable. Default: see :ref:`Available_Decorators` """ self.ON_MISSING_VARIABLE = lambda name: "[MISSING VALUE FOR '{0}']".format(name) """ Single-argument function returning string which is added to the result when variable requested in the tag value is missing. The only argument is name of the missing variable. Should return string displayed instead of the missing variable. Default: lambda name: "[MISSING VALUE FOR '{0}']".format(name) """ self.ON_MISSING_TAG_KEY = lambda name, params: "[MISSING TAG '{0}']".format(name) """ Two-argument function whose return value is written to the output when the requested tag (or inner tag) and all its fallbacks are missing. The first argument is key of the missing tag, the second is dict of parameters available for interpolation into this tag's value. It should return string displayed instead of the missing tag value. For example you can print keys of params dict to see what parameters are available. Default: lambda name, params: "[MISSING TAG '{0}']".format(name) """